Recently, I watched the documentary “Dark October,” which tells the story of the Aluu 4 necklacing incident that occurred in [Nigeria] in 2012. As I watched the film, I was horrified by the brutal and senseless violence that took place, and I was left with a deep sense of sadness and anger.

For those who may not be familiar with the incident, the [Aluu 4 necklacing] involved the murder of four young men – Ugonna Obuzor, Toku Lloyd, Chiadika Biringa, and Tekena Elkanah – who were accused of stealing a laptop and a mobile phone in the Aluu community in [Rivers State], Nigeria. The four men were beaten, stripped naked, and then burned alive by a mob of angry villagers.
4young men being beaten and burned alive were difficult to watch, and I was left with a deep sense of sadness for their families and loved ones. I also felt anger towards the villagers who were involved in the incident and towards the wider [societal issues] that allowed such violence to occur.

The Aluu 4 necklacing was not an isolated incident. It was a symptom of a larger problem in Nigeria and in many other parts of the world. It is a problem of [mob justice], where people take the law into their own hands and inflict violence on others without due process. It is a problem of poverty and inequality, where people feel so desperate and disempowered that they turn to violence as a means of seeking justice. And it is a problem of a lack of education and awareness, where people are not taught about the importance of human rights and the [rule of law].

As I reflect on the Aluu 4 necklacing incident, I am left with a sense of sadness and a desire for change. We must work to create a society where justice is carried out through the proper channels, where violence is not tolerated, and where human rights are respected. We must work to address the root causes of poverty and inequality, and to provide people with the education and opportunities they need to build a better future for themselves and their communities.

Lessons Learned from the Aluu 4 Tragedy

The Aluu 4 tragedy is a brutal reminder of the dangers of vigilante violence. The incident, which took place in Nigeria, involved the horrific murder of four university students who were accused of theft. The students were beaten, tortured, and eventually set on fire with gasoline. It’s a sad and tragic story that highlights the dangers of taking the law into your own hands. One of the most important lessons we can learn from this tragedy is the importance of due process and the rule of law. In any society, it is essential that everyone is held accountable for their actions, but this must be done in a fair and just way. We cannot allow individuals or groups to take justice into their own hands and act as judge, jury, and executioner. Another lesson we can learn from the Aluu 4 tragedy is the importance of education and awareness. When people are more aware of their rights, the legal system, and the dangers of vigilante violence, they are less likely to take matters into their own hands. It’s important for governments and organizations to provide education and outreach programs to help people understand the consequences of their actions. Finally, the Aluu 4 tragedy reminds us of the need for community-based approaches to crime prevention and justice. When communities work together to prevent crime and address issues like poverty and inequality, they can create a safer and more just society. By working together, we can prevent tragedies like the Aluu 4 from ever happening again.

In conclusion, the Aluu 4 necklacing incident was a senseless act of violence that should never have happened. It serves as a reminder of the importance of human rights, the rule of law, and the need for education and awareness. We must work together to create a better world, where such violence is not tolerated, and where all people are treated with dignity and respect.

Photo Credit :Google

Thank you for reading. I appreciate everyone who took the time to read it.

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13 responses to “The Aluu 4 Necklacing Incident: [My Thoughts] After Watching “Dark October””

  1.  avatar

    Heart aching story 💔
    And You write beautifully my love ❤️


    1. Jehorah Jatto avatar

      Thank youuuuuu 🥹❤️


  2. Katyforman avatar

    This is sad

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Jehorah Jatto avatar

      It was very sad and heart-breaking


  3. Bukola avatar

    You are really doing good baby girl

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Jehorah Jatto avatar

      Thank you so much❤️


  4. Jkaloko avatar

    Great blog overall

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Jehorah Jatto avatar

      Thank you❤️


  5. Jkaloko avatar

    I never knew this happened. Wow, I’m shocked 😳

    Liked by 1 person

  6. Jkaloko avatar

    Jesus Christ, this was dark 😟

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Jehorah Jatto avatar

      The movie 🎬 is darker🙂


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